Got questions? Don't worry, we have answers. We're hear to help with any and all questions you may have about So Goldn and our products. If we haven't answered your question here, send us a message so we can help you out!


All of So Goldn products are made in Melbourne, Australia with only the highest quality ingredients.

We do NOT test on animals - only goodness loving babes!

All of our products are 100% Vegan Friendly!

Yes, we use natural and naturally derived ingredients sourced from Australia and across the globe to create the best product possible!

Our beautiful tubes are made from recyclable and biodegradable plastic.

YES! We love our beautiful planet and want to do our bit to preserve it for as long as possible. Everything from our biodegradable tubes to our compostable mailers and recyclable packaging has been carefully thought out, to reduce our footprint on on this beautiful place we call home.

Absolutely you can, its 100% recyclable! BUT.. did you know that only 13% of recyclable packaging actually gets recycled? The rest ends up in landfill! You can rest assured knowing that even if your empty tube does end up in landfill, it will 100% biodegrade leaving no micro plastics behind.

We have gone a step further than just recyclable packaging. In the high chance that our tubes end up in landfill, we want to ensure it’s like they were never there to begin with. Our packaging will fully biodegrade down in landfill in 6-10 years, compared to 100 years for all other plastic and aluminium.  Not only will it biodegrade, but it will leave no trace of micro plastics behind. So it’s really like.. it never existed!

So Goldn will be donating a portion of proceeds from every order to non-for-profit organisations. These organisations are nominated by YOU, our beautiful community and chosen carefully by us. A new charity will be chosen every quarter and we will share the impact you have all helped make happen!